1st Announcement

Dear Colleagues,
The "TeV Particle Astrophysics IV" Workshop will be held in Beijing,China, from September 24 to 28 2008, hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, after the successful first three editions at Fermilab (2005), the U. of Wisconsin, Madison (2006), and Venice, Italy (2007).
The "TeV Particle Astrophysics IV" will be a five-day workshop, aiming to bring together researchers with diverse scientific backgrounds and share interest in the exploration of Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics at TeV and higher scales. The topics that will be discussed are:
-- TeV Particle Physics at Tevatron, LHC, ILC, and its connections with Cosmology
-- Dark Matter: new strategies for indirect detection, present and future of direct searches; new results from PAMELA
-- Gamma-ray Astrophysics: theoretical aspects; latest observational results from ground based experiments; prospects for GLAST; future plans for a large gamma-ray infrastructure
-- Cosmic rays: acceleration and propagation; latest observational results
-- High Energy Neutrinos: Theoretical results in
neutrino astronomy; Status and future plans for
the neutrino experiments, Antares, IceCube, Nemo, Nestor and KM3NeT.
-- Dark matter, dark energy & Alternative Gravity
Strong emphasis will be placed on fresh theoretical and observational results, and the prospects for detecting signals of new physics both at colliders and with particle astrophysics experiments.
The 2nd announcement will be sent by the end of May 2008, including instructions for registration, a preliminary list of plenary speakers, and some useful Beijing travel tips. We do hope to meet you in Beijing and benefit from your experience and wisdom.
Welcome to join us in Beijing!!!
Xiao-Jun Bi
(on behalf of the LOC)