In 2008, the Large Hadron Collider will begin taking data and start its exploration of the TeV scale and physics beyond the Standard Model. The gamma-ray telescope GLAST will also be launched in 2008. Meanwhile ground-based telescopes including HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS, MILAGRO and ARGO have been observing gamma-rays at the TeV scale and higher with unprecented accuracy for years. Neutrino experiments such as Antares and IceCube are starting to run at similar and higher energies.
Therefore it is timely to focus on the interplay between astrophysical observations and fundamental physics at the TeV scale. This workshop aims to understand what we can learn from the present and upcoming observational results from both the LHC and astrophysical searches.
The workshop will provide an occasion for theorists and
experimentalists to discuss the latest and upcoming results in these
fields, to consider new strategies, technologies and collaborative
efforts to address some of the most pressing questions in physics
today, including the nature of dark matter and the origin of cosmic
Poster [ jpg (615 Kb) ]
Conference secretary: Shu-Mei
Jia (jiasm@ihep.ac.cn)
INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy)
CAS (Chinese Academay of Science)
NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China)
IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics)
CCAST (China Center of Advanced Science and technology)
CHEP, PKU (Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University)
SAS (Societas Astronomica Sinica)