
Steering Committee
Chair:Gianfranco Bertone, IAP
Aharonian, DIAS Dublin & MPIK Heidelberg
Laura Baudis, U. of Zurich
John Beacom, Ohio State U.
Gianfranco Bertone, IAP
Elliott Bloom, SLAC
Jonathan Feng, UC Irvine
Gian Francesco Giudice, CERN
Francis Halzen, U. of Wisconsin, Madison
Dan Hooper, Fermilab
Rocky Kolb, U. of Chicago
Konstantin Matchev, U. of Florida
Olga Mena, U. "La Sapienza", Rome
Angela Olinto, U. of Chicago
Geraldine Servant, CEA Saclay
Xinmin Zhang, IHEP
Local Organizing Commitee
Chair: Xinmin Zhang, IHEP
Cochair: Jian-Min Wang, IHEP
Xiao-Jun Bi,
Peng-Jie Zhang, SHAO
Xue-Lei Chen, NAO
Zhen Cao, IHEP
Hong-Bo Hu, IHEP
Yu-Qian Ma, IHEP
Bo Qin, NAO
Hong-Jian He, Tsinghua University
Shou-Hua Zhu, PKU
Xiang-Dong Ji, CHEP, PKU
Chun Liu, ITP
Jin-Min Yang, ITP
Zi-Gao Dai, NJU
Yun-Song Piao, GUCAS
Hong-Sheng Zhao, U. of St. Andrews