Final Announcement

Dear participants,
The TeVPA08 conference begins next week and we provide here some detailed information, that you can also find at the conference webpage which is up to date.
1. Conference Venue
conference will take place in the Main Building of IHEP. The meeting
rooms for plenary and parallel sessions are indicated in the program.
check it at
2. Hotel reservation
For participants who have registered and booked hotel via our conference registration system, we have confirmed reservation of the rooms in the corresponding hotels. IF you can not come to attend the conference, please DO notice us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, since the LOC will pay the hotel for the reservation.
3. Conference Program
conference program is available at
can check the scientific program as well as the social events there.
4. Transportation
can find information on “How to arrive at IHEP Guest house and
ChangFeng Holiday Inn” at the webpage
map clearly shows how to arrive at the conference place from
ChangFeng Holiday Inn.
5. Registration
The arrival registration is from 2:00PM to 5:30PM on Sep. 23rd at the second floor of the Main Building of IHEP. If you can not register on Sep. 23rd, you can also register at room 319 in the Main Building. After the registration, you will receive a conference package, which includes all conference related materials: program, name badge, lunch coupons, tickets for reception, banquet and excursion. You will also receive a receipt after paying the registration fee.
6. Reception
A conference reception is prepared at the IHEP Guest house, at 6:00PM on Sep.23rd. After the registration all participants will be welcome to attend the reception. Reception ticket is needed, which is included in the conference package.
7. Banquet
Banquet is arranged on Sep. 26th. Do not forget to take the Banquet Invitation, which is also included in the conference package. At about 6:40PM there will be shuttles waiting us in front of the main building to go to the restaurant.
8. Lunches
We provide lunches at the Guest House restaurant for all participant who have registered. Lunch coupon will be needed, which is included in the conference package.
9. Excursion: see the file “social events”
10. Accompanying persons should pay a little for banquet and excursion at the registration site if they want to participate at these activities, 20EUR/30USD for Banquet and 30EUR/50USD for excursion.
11. Speakers
Please copy your talks to the computer at the meeting room the day before you give talks. The plenary speakers of the first day (Sep. 24th) are invited to send their talks to us in advance or copy them to the computer when they register. Since the scientific schedule is very tight, please try to cooperate with us in order to ensure that the conference goes smoothly.
12. Network access
will be wireless network available in the Main building. You will
receive information about how to connect in the conference package.
are looking forward to meeting you in Beijing.
Bi Xiaojun
(On behalf of LOC)